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Tag: Relationships

Why Me? Why Not?

In many ways the asking of this question reminds us of our current fallen status regardless of Christ’s work in our lives.

Christianity the Consumer Product (Part III): Sold Out For Jesus (TCM)

I asked a question at the beginning of the last post, a question that continues to resonate within me as I write this post almost 2 weeks later. That question was, “When did Jesus stop being enough?” We have need now to draw people into worship, into community, into the event that is “church” and in the midst of it all, who is glorified, who is the focus? Many churches making decision based on what is trendy or new or cutting edge such places generally place their own image or “church” ahead of the person of Jesus.

Why Is The Trinity Important?

The trinity is one of Christianity’s oldest and most mysterious doctrines. It has been a topic of much discussion and was in fact one of the first theological areas that theologians attempted to flush out. I’m not going to go into all of that here (mostly because a few books could be written on the topic) but the point I am trying to make ring home is that throughout the church’s history, this has been a topic of importance to the church. For this very reason, it is something worth understanding (as best we can).

Taming The Tongue

Well I asked and you guys delivered, so here we go. This week I am writing on the topic of how we speak to one another, not only as brothers and sisters in the faith but also in how we dialogue with other people in general. Now I had always known that scripture had quite a bit to say on this topic, but I had underestimated how much it had to say. So without writing a book…I am going to focus on one or two texts in particular and go from there.